Cluster Starting Guide

When you receive your new ASERGO Kubernetes cluster, just follow these simple steps.

Create user accounts

Login to your Dashboard and create a user for each Kubernetes team member. Thereafter, go to the Dashboard Kubernetes config area, where you can download a pre-configured kubectl config file tailored to your cluster.

Setup your environment

If you do not have kubectl installed, you can follow the official guide .

Place the kubectl config file in the kubectl configuration folder on your computer.

To use ASERGO Dashboard OpenID Connect authentication for Kubernetes, you need to use a kubectl plugin called "kube-oidc". The easiest way to install it is by using a plugin-manager for kubectl. We recommend the Krew plugin-manager. To install Krew, you can follow our documentation Install kubectl guide .

Run your application

You now have access to your cluster and can start running your applications.

Your application may need storage, which can be added at any time. Each storage type has a corresponding storageClass with a naming scheme of:

  • asergo-rbd (block)
  • asergo-local (local)
  • asergo-obj (object)
  • asergo-file (file)
See our Knowledge Base for more information


An ASERGO Kubernetes cluster behaves in the same way as other 100% standard Kubernetes clusters, including Minikube.

Kubectl Kustomize Helm

We believe that Kubernetes should be managed by open-source tools only, and not by proprietary platforms.

With our Kubernetes clusters you can use the official upstream versions of both kubectl, Kustomize and helm.

Official kubectl cheat sheet